
  • 开发团队:
    朝廷心腹 苹果
  • 主要类型:
  • 次要类型:
  • 支持平台:
    Windows / Mac
  • 发行日期:
  • 完成进度:


1v1游戏;需要连接额外的一个屏幕和键盘;P1: WSAD,空格和G; P2: 上下左右箭头,L和M;


This is the school project I made for the final exhibition of my MA degree.

At this version, you need to connect an extra monitor to show the second display(player2). For better experiences, a second keyboard  (for player2)might also be required.

It is a 1v1 naval battle game that players from both sides are given the control of a unique modern destroyer. The final goal is to occupy as many islands as you can while using onboarding weapons to stop your enemy from doing the same thing.

There are two factions, blue and red.

Blue ship is using WASD  on a keyboard to control the movement (or turret direction); using G to switch functions; using SPACE to execute functions (such as firing ).

Red ship is using arrow keys to control the movement; L to switch function; M to execute the function.

To claim island, the player needs to sail the ship into the shallow waters of an island and wait for the flag to be turned. Your ship's health has to be ABOVE 50 to obtain the ability to claim islands.

This version doesn't have the sinking and reborn feature, so you can't kill your enemy. When you emptied your opponents' health, it will be disabled from moving and automatically switched to repairing mode.

The game ends with time runs out, it calculates the final island number to determine win and lose of which side.

Have fun.



游戏展示页面请到这里访问。此页面由 indienova 根据开发者录入信息自动生成
Inspired by presskit() by Rami Ismail(Vlambeer)