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Last Activity

aalmns joined group: 游戏古登堡计划 2017-10-10

aalmns made a comment on an article: 五年磨一剑,《愤怒军团》对STG的致敬与传承 2017-10-03

aalmns achieved: Newcomer 2017-09-25

aalmns has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-09-25

aalmns made a comment on an article: 五年磨一剑,《愤怒军团》对STG的致敬与传承 2017-09-25

aalmns followed: 向往-Ray 2017-09-14

aalmns followed: iNSPiRATiON 灵感发现者 2017-09-14

aalmns made a comment on an article: 《奥术钢铁》不想止步于桌面游戏 2017-09-13

aalmns posted new topic in group: indienova 桌游社 - 《奥术钢铁》的一些设计(1) 2017-09-06

aalmns commented 新人报道~大家好~ in group: indienova 桌游社 2017-09-06

aalmns followed: 王晶 2017-09-01

aalmns commented 新人报道~大家好~ in group: indienova 桌游社 2017-09-01

aalmns posted new topic in group: indienova 桌游社 - 新人报道~大家好~ 2017-09-01

aalmns joined group: indienova 桌游社 2017-09-01

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