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GMS2 / 本格 Android 攻城狮 / 咸鱼
firzencode posted new topic in group: ink 语言交流小组 - Inky 基础功能扩充:InkyGo 2023-08-06
firzencode liked user's game: 小英雄乱斗(Little Heroes Fight) 2020-08-18
firzencode liked group post: 《奶茶,七分甜》——最近与人合作的试验作品展示 2020-05-13
firzencode posted new topic in group: ink 语言交流小组 - 自制 Inky 视频教程(一) 2020-05-12
firzencode followed: 逊狼 2020-05-11
firzencode followed: JKLLIN 2020-05-09
firzencode achieved: Newcomer
firzencode has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-05-04
firzencode commented 【开发日志】将军与黎明 Generals And Dawn——基于inky和html5的经营策略类互动小说 in group: ink 语言交流小组 2020-04-03
firzencode followed: 弘鼎 2020-04-03
firzencode joined group: ink 语言交流小组 2020-04-02
firzencode made a comment on a blog: 高阶 Inky 残卷 2020-04-02
firzencode commented 怎么打出空白格和空白行啊 in group: ink 语言交流小组 2020-04-02
firzencode saved article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #1 2019-12-14
firzencode liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #1 2019-12-14
firzencode followed: 风农 2019-12-14
firzencode saved article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #7 2019-12-14
firzencode liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #7 2019-12-14
firzencode saved article: Riot Games 出了一套游戏美术教程 #3:角色设定 2019-02-26
firzencode liked article: Riot Games 出了一套游戏美术教程 #3:角色设定 2019-02-26
firzencode followed: 腾讯游戏学院游戏扶持 2019-01-02
firzencode followed: Linpean 2017-12-18
firzencode joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2017-12-18
firzencode liked article: 个人用的在GMS2里面的对话框系统 2017-12-18
firzencode followed: 骨折好少女 2017-12-18
firzencode followed: 疯王子 2017-04-27
firzencode liked article: GameMaker Studio 2 上手指南 2017-03-16
firzencode saved article: GameMaker Studio 2 上手指南 2017-03-16
firzencode followed: KunpoGames 2017-03-16
firzencode followed: 一旁冷笑 2016-09-07