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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

游戏发现 contributed to game: Humankind(人类) with:购买地址 23 minutes ago

游戏发现 contributed to game: Cats the Commander(猫咪指挥官) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 12:43

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mimi the Cat: Meow Together(咪咪猫:一起喵喵叫) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 12:38

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mimi the Cat: Meow Together(咪咪猫:一起喵喵叫) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 12:38

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mimi the Cat: Meow Together(咪咪猫:一起喵喵叫) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 12:38

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mimi the Cat: Meow Together(咪咪猫:一起喵喵叫) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 12:38

游戏发现 posted an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 02.03 - 02.09(中) The day before yesterday02-05 12:37

游戏发现 contributed to game: Age of Mythology: Retold(神话时代:重述) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:53

游戏发现 contributed to game: MLB The Show 25(美国职业棒球大联盟 25) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:49

游戏发现 contributed to game: Rogue Waters(恶棍水域) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:48

游戏发现 contributed to game: Perfect Ninja Painter 3(完美忍者粉刷匠 3) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:48

游戏发现 contributed to game: Perfect Ninja Painter 3(完美忍者粉刷匠 3) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:48

游戏发现 contributed to game: Perfect Ninja Painter 3 with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:44

游戏发现 contributed to game: Perfect Ninja Painter 3 with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:44

游戏发现 contributed to game: Capcom Fighting Collection 2(卡普空格斗合集 2) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:42

游戏发现 contributed to game: Journey of Johann: Grasslands with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:15

游戏发现 contributed to game: MLB The Show 25(美国职业棒球大联盟 25) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:13

游戏发现 contributed to game: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II(天国:拯救 2) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:13

游戏发现 contributed to game: Rogue Waters(恶棍水域) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:13

游戏发现 contributed to game: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Gold Edition(天国:拯救 2 - 黄金版) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:13

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mechanita(机械世界) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:12

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mimi the Cat: Meow Together(咪咪猫:一起喵喵叫) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:12

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mimi the Cat: Meow Together(咪咪猫:一起喵喵叫) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:10

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mechanita(机械世界) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:05

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mechanita(机械世界) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:03

游戏发现 contributed to game: Mechanita(机械世界) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:03

游戏发现 contributed to game: Rogue Waters(恶棍水域) with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 11:01

游戏发现 contributed to game: MLB The Show 25 with:购买地址 The day before yesterday02-05 10:59

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