华宅张 contributed to game: Sengoku Basara 2: Heroes - Double Pack(战国BASARA 2 英雄外传-双重包版) with:中文名称 2024-10-27
华宅张 made contribution for Sengoku Basara 3 Utage(战国BASARA3 宴), made contribution for Sengoku Basara HD Collection(战国BASARA高清合集), made contribution for Sengoku Basara Battle Party(战国BASARA Battle Party) 2024-10-27
华宅张 contributed to game: Dynasty Warriors 5: Special(真·三国无双4 特别版) with:中文名称 2024-10-12
华宅张 made contribution for Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2(真·三国无双 2nd Evolution), made contribution for Dynasty Warriors Online(真·三国无双 Online) 2024-10-12
华宅张 made contribution for Dynasty Warriors 6: Special(真·三国无双5 特别版), made contribution for Dynasty Warriors 6(真·三国无双5) 2024-10-11
华宅张 contributed to game: Dynasty Warriors Online Z(真·三国无双 Online Z) with:中文名称 2024-10-11
华宅张 contributed to game: Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires - Free Alliances Version(真·三国无双7 帝国-联机共斗版) with:中文名称 2024-10-11
华宅张 contributed to game: Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires - 20th Anniversary Box(真·三国无双8 帝国-20周年纪念盒版) with:中文名称 2024-10-11
华宅张 contributed to game: Dynasty Warriors: Origins(真・三国无双 起源) with:中文名称 2024-09-29
华宅张 made contribution for Samurai Warriors 5: Treasure Box(战国无双5 珍宝盒版), made contribution for Sengoku Musou 2 with Moushouden & Empires HD Version(战国无双2 with 猛将传&帝国 HD版) 2024-09-20
华宅张 made contribution for Pachislot Sengoku Musou(柏青哥 战国无双), made contribution for Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 2nd(战国无双 编年史2), made contribution for Samurai Warriors 3 Z: Special(战国无双3 Z-特别版), made contribution for Samurai Warriors 3 Z(战国无双3 Z), made contribution for Samurai Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends(战国无双3 猛将传) 2024-09-20
华宅张 contributed to game: Samurai Warriors: State of War(激·战国无双) with:中文名称 2024-09-20
华宅张 contributed to game: Samurai Warriors 5: Ikkitousen Box(战国无双5 一骑当千版) with:中文名称 2024-09-20
华宅张 contributed to game: Dragon Age: Origins Collector's Edition(龙腾世纪 起源-收藏版) with:中文名称 2024-09-15
华宅张 contributed to game: Dragon Age II: Bioware Signature Edition(龙腾世纪Ⅱ-Bioware签名版) with:中文名称 2024-09-15
华宅张 contributed to game: Rave Racer(山脊赛车3 街机版) with:中文名称 2024-09-13
华宅张 made contribution for SimDrive(模拟驾驶), made contribution for Ridge Racer Accelerated HD(山脊赛车 加速HD) 2024-09-13
华宅张 contributed to game: Ridge Racer: Turbo Mode(山脊赛车 加速模式) with:中文名称 2024-09-13
华宅张 contributed to game: Ridge Racer Mobile(山脊赛车 移动版) with:中文名称 2024-09-13
华宅张 made contribution for SoulCalibur VI: DLC 14 - Character Creation Set F(刀魂 6:创造模式零件组合 F), made contribution for SoulCalibur VI: DLC 8 Character Creation Set C(刀魂 6:DLC8 创造模式零件组合 C), made contribution for SoulCalibur VI: Deluxe Edition 2019(灵魂能力Ⅵ-2019豪华版), made contribution for SoulCalibur VI: Deluxe Edition 2019(灵魂能力Ⅵ-019豪华版) 2024-09-12
华宅张 contributed to game: SoulCalibur: Unbreakable Soul(灵魂能力:不摧之魂) with:中文名称 2024-09-12
华宅张 contributed to game: SoulCalibur VI: Collector's Edition(灵魂能力Ⅵ-收藏版) with:中文名称 2024-09-12
华宅张 made contribution for SoulCalibur III: Arcade Edition(灵魂能力Ⅲ-街机版), made contribution for SoulCalibur II(灵魂能力Ⅱ-Xbox), made contribution for SoulCalibur II(灵魂能力Ⅱ-PS1), made contribution for SoulCalibur II(灵魂能力Ⅱ-NGC), made contribution for SoulCalibur II(灵魂能力Ⅱ) 2024-09-12
华宅张 contributed to game: Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny(灵魂能力 毁灭宿命) with:中文名称 2024-09-12
华宅张 contributed to game: Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Collector's Edition(镜之边缘 催化剂-收藏版) with:中文名称 2024-09-03
华宅张 contributed to game: Run Like Hell!(地狱狂奔) with:中文名称 2024-09-03
华宅张 contributed to game: Kirby Speed Eaters with:别名 2024-09-03
华宅张 contributed to game: Kirby Super Star Ultra(卡比超明星 豪华版) with:中文名称 2024-09-03
华宅张 contributed to game: Team Kirby Clash Deluxe(大家一起!卡比猎人队Z) with:中文名称 2024-09-02
华宅张 made contribution for Genso Suikogaiden Volume 1: Swordsman of Harmonia(幻想水浒外传Vol.1 哈路莫尼亚的剑士), made contribution for Genso Suikogaiden Volume 2: Duel at the Crystal Valley(幻想水浒外传Vol.2 水晶谷的决斗) 2024-08-31