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《奇幻与砍杀》系列开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

绝汪 updated the game: 选王之剑:零: features 2024-05-05

绝汪 liked user's game: 选王之剑:零 2024-04-30

绝汪 released a new game: 选王之剑:零 2024-04-30

绝汪 updated the game: 选王之剑: store links 2021-08-16

绝汪 updated the game: 选王之剑: detailed information 2021-08-13

绝汪 updated the game: 选王之剑: title 2021-08-07

绝汪 liked user's game: 代号:选王之剑 2021-08-07

绝汪 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-08-03

绝汪 updated the game: 代号:选王之剑: screenshots 2021-08-02

绝汪 updated the game: 代号:选王之剑: contacts 2021-07-27

绝汪 released a new game: 代号:选王之剑 2021-06-26

绝汪 achieved: Author 2019-12-11

绝汪 was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2019-12-11

绝汪 was verified as: 《奇幻与砍杀》系列开发团队 2019-12-11

绝汪 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-11-27

绝汪 updated the game: 奇幻与砍杀2: detailed information 2019-10-09

绝汪 updated the game: 奇幻与砍杀2: development progress 95% 2019-10-09

绝汪 updated the game: 奇幻与砍杀2: features 2019-10-05

绝汪 updated the game: 奇幻与砍杀2: screenshots 2019-09-24

绝汪 updated the game: 奇幻与砍杀2: detailed information 2019-09-24

绝汪 released a new game: 奇幻与砍杀2 2019-09-24

绝汪 followed: 鬼谷工作室 2019-07-05

绝汪 updated the game: 奇幻与砍杀: development progress 100% 2019-06-07

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