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《校暴者》开发者 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

lhx077 updated the game: 校暴者:序曲: detailed information 2025-03-02

lhx077 updated the game: 校暴者:序曲: basic information 2023-02-07

lhx077 liked user's game: School Fear:Prelude 2023-02-07

lhx077 updated the game: School Fear:Prelude: features 2023-02-07

lhx077 made a comment on a user game: School Fear:Prelude 2023-02-07

lhx077 posted a blog: 救赎之路:团队成员 2022-12-27

lhx077 released a new game: 救赎之路 2022-12-27

lhx077 posted a blog: 校暴者序曲:延迟测试 2022-12-25

lhx077 liked user blog: 校暴者序曲:重构进行中 2022-12-23

lhx077 posted a blog: 校暴者序曲:重构进行中 2022-12-20

lhx077 updated the game: School Fear:Prelude: title 2022-12-19

lhx077 updated the game: 校暴者:序曲: title 2022-12-19

lhx077 updated the game: School Fear: features 2022-12-18

lhx077 updated the game: 校暴者: features 2022-12-18

lhx077 updated the game: School Fear: title 2022-12-16

lhx077 updated the game: 校暴者: awards 2022-12-16

lhx077 was verified as: 《校暴者》开发者 2022-12-16

lhx077 updated the game: 校暴者: screenshots 2022-12-16

lhx077 updated the game: Deep Of The Heart: logo / icon package 2022-12-13

lhx077 updated the game: 心底深处: preview image 2022-12-13

lhx077 's review on 杀手闪先生 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2022-08-29

lhx077 has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-08-25

lhx077 updated the game: 心底深处: detailed information 2022-08-22

lhx077 updated the game: Deep Of The Heart: features 2021-06-12

lhx077 updated the game: 心底深处: features 2021-06-12

lhx077 liked user's game: 心底深处 2021-02-03

lhx077 achieved: Indie Developer 2021-02-03

lhx077 released a new game: 心底深处 2021-02-03

lhx077 achieved: Newcomer 2021-02-03

lhx077 has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-02-03

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