Rook1042 updated the game: 遣返: logo image 2020-11-26
Rook1042 updated the game: 遣返: development progress 30% 2020-10-26
Rook1042 updated the game: 遣返: related links 2020-10-26
Rook1042 updated the game: 遣返: screenshots 2020-10-22
Rook1042 updated the game: 遣返: videos 2020-10-20
Rook1042 achieved: Indie Developer 2020-09-18
Rook1042 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-09-18
Rook1042 commented [制作分享]游戏中的对话框制作 in group: Construct2/3 2018-10-09
Rook1042 liked group post: [制作分享]游戏中的对话框制作 2018-10-09
Rook1042 joined group: Construct2/3 2018-10-09
Rook1042 saved article: 关于文学文本、文化文本、游戏文本的概念梳理 2018-04-15
Rook1042 liked blog: 优秀关卡设计的10个原则 2018-04-14
Rook1042 saved article: 【翻译】找出他们在想什么:一个用户研究的浅显入门 2018-04-13