
Last Activity

sz7639 released a new game: 2023-12-31

sz7639 has upgraded to grade: 4 2022-06-21

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之天地奇缘: demos 2022-05-08

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之天地奇缘: store links 2022-05-07

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之天地奇缘: demos 2022-04-18

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之天地奇缘: screenshots 2022-03-29

sz7639 released a new game: 武儒绘卷之天地奇缘 2021-01-02

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之启示录: screenshots 2020-07-26

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之启示录: title 2019-12-19

sz7639 posted a blog: 游戏新进度 2019-10-23

sz7639 made a comment on a blog: 有没有对养成类三国题材感兴趣的小伙伴 2019-10-02

sz7639 made a comment on a blog: 有没有对养成类三国题材感兴趣的小伙伴 2019-10-02

sz7639 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-10-02

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒启示录: screenshots 2019-09-30

sz7639 released a new game: 武儒启示录 2019-09-27

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之九五至尊: store links 2018-12-05

sz7639 updated the game: 武儒绘卷之九五至尊: title 2018-11-13

sz7639 achieved: Indie Developer 2018-11-12

sz7639 released a new game: 武儒绘卷之九五至尊 2018-11-12

sz7639 achieved: Newcomer 2018-11-12

sz7639 has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-11-12

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