tianyou has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-07-31

tianyou 's review on 豺狼猎场 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-07-07

tianyou 's review on 白猫的酒馆 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2018-06-19

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Sakura Spirit(樱花之灵). 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Mustache in Hell(小胡子地狱). 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Moon Colonization Project(月球殖民计划). 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game HardCube(坚硬方块). 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Heavenly Battle(天上的战斗). 2018-06-11

tianyou achieved: Newcomer 2018-06-11

tianyou has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Take Thy Throne(夺取你的王座). 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Chicken Assassin - Master of Humiliation(鸡刺客 - 屈辱大师). 2018-06-11

tianyou provided Chinese introduction to the game Starbound(星界边境). 2018-06-11

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