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Sat.Ind updated the game: SafeGuard: videos 2022-03-15
Sat.Ind updated the game: SafeGuard: detailed information 2022-03-09
Sat.Ind updated the game: SafeGuard: videos 2022-03-08
Sat.Ind updated the game: SafeGuard: videos 2022-03-07
Sat.Ind updated the game: SafeGuard: basic information 2022-03-07
Sat.Ind updated the game: SafeGuard: title 2022-03-07
Sat.Ind updated the game: 射击游戏Demo: videos 2021-12-24
Sat.Ind updated the game: 射击游戏Demo: detailed information 2021-11-18
Sat.Ind achieved: Indie Developer 2021-11-18
Sat.Ind has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-11-18
Sat.Ind upgraded your membership 2021-11-18
Sat.Ind liked article: 「戏游记」第二期:卧薪尝胆与破釜沉舟(厦门篇・下) 2021-11-04