《回合》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《回合》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
ztory updated the game: 右键召唤Z: basic information 2017-02-27
ztory updated the game: 右键召唤Z: screenshots 2017-02-08
ztory has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-02-08
ztory was verified as: 《回合》开发团队 2016-11-23
ztory updated the game: 回合: detailed information 2016-10-03
ztory updated the game: 回合: platforms 2016-08-24
ztory posted a blog: UPDATE v1.4.0 2016-08-23
ztory posted a blog: UPDATE v1.4.1 2016-08-23
ztory updated the game: 回合: development progress 35% 2016-08-23
ztory made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #1: 介绍与安装 2016-07-21
ztory updated the game: 回合: detailed information 2016-07-17
ztory updated the game: 回合: detailed information 2016-07-17
ztory has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-07-17
ztory made a comment on an article: 专业开发者眼中的 GameMaker 2016-07-17
ztory achieved: Indie Developer 2016-07-16
ztory followed: Humble Ray 2016-07-16