《冰杖秘闻》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《冰杖秘闻》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻 for the Nintendo Switch: detailed information 2018-08-09
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻 for the Nintendo Switch: logo image 2018-07-17
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻 for the Nintendo Switch: title 2018-07-10
胡桃维 followed: 总之先找到时光机再说 2018-07-10
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻(Nintendo Switch/PC): detailed information 2018-05-15
胡桃维 commented on game: 凯蒂猫爱竞速 - Hello Kitty Kruisers 2018-05-09
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻(Nintendo Switch/PC): development progress 40% 2018-05-09
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻(Nintendo Switch/PC): title 2018-04-17
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2018-03-19
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: title 2018-03-14
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: awards 2018-01-31
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2017-12-21
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2017-11-27
胡桃维 saved article: Scroll Back:2D 横版游戏摄像机运镜原理与实践 2017-11-03
胡桃维 liked article: Scroll Back:2D 横版游戏摄像机运镜原理与实践 2017-11-03
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2017-09-07
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2017-09-07
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: basic information 2017-09-06
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2017-08-14
胡桃维 updated the game: 冰杖秘闻: detailed information 2017-07-05