以crystal clear的写作原则来写作


indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

枫丹白露 has upgraded to grade: 8 2019-02-24

枫丹白露 made a comment on an article: Unavowed:复古类型发新芽 2018-09-25

枫丹白露 made a comment on an article: Her Story:碎片叙事的尴尬 2018-09-16

枫丹白露 posted an article: Her Story:碎片叙事的尴尬 2018-09-15

枫丹白露 made a comment on an article: 游戏的“非开放性” 2018-09-05

枫丹白露 posted an article: 游戏的“非开放性” 2018-09-01

枫丹白露 posted an article: The Red Strings Club:专注自我 2018-08-19

枫丹白露 followed: 火花工作室 2018-07-13

枫丹白露 followed: Abyss 2018-07-05

枫丹白露 made a comment on an article: Inside:内在的捷径 2018-06-22

枫丹白露 posted an article: Inside:内在的捷径 2018-06-22

枫丹白露 has upgraded to grade: 7 2018-05-04

枫丹白露 commented on game: 冰汽时代 - Frostpunk 2018-05-04

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