
Last Activity

林荫 followed: jassie 2025-01-09

林荫 made a comment on an article: 游戏设计终极问题的半个答案——赛季 2024-08-19

林荫 saved article: 2D 的动态光影 - Sprite Lamp 2023-09-06

林荫 liked article: 2D 的动态光影 - Sprite Lamp 2023-09-06

林荫 followed: 游戏发现 2023-09-06

林荫 made a comment on an article: Github Copilot 初体验 2023-08-18

林荫 made a comment on a blog: 基于Worley噪声的地形生成算法 2023-06-25

林荫 made a comment on an article: 网格边线 2023-06-20

林荫 saved article: 凌驾于时间的逻辑 2023-05-06

林荫 made a comment on an article: 参与感的困境:玩游戏很累怎么办 2023-04-03

林荫 liked blog: 游戏与自然 2023-04-03

林荫 followed: RockTaoist 2023-04-03

林荫 saved article: 一份小团队参展的简易指南 2023-01-16

林荫 liked article: 一份小团队参展的简易指南 2023-01-16

林荫 followed: iNSPiRATiON 灵感发现 2023-01-16

林荫 posted an article: 避障算法 - VO、RVO 以及 ORCA (RVO2) 2022-03-01

林荫 has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-03-01

林荫 posted a blog: 避障算法-VO、RVO以及ORCA(RVO2) 2022-02-24

林荫 achieved: Indie Developer 2021-04-29

林荫 released a new game: 噩梦轮回 2021-04-29

林荫 achieved: Newcomer 2020-04-03

林荫 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-04-03

林荫 made a comment on a user game: 生活(What a life) 2020-03-31

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