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ArchenG33K commented on game list: 游戏列表:PS+ 港服会员免费游戏记录(186) 2022-05-24
ArchenG33K made a short review on game: Subnautica: Below Zero(深海迷航:冰点之下) 2021-11-20
ArchenG33K contributed to game: Big Hunter with:中文名称 2020-12-28
ArchenG33K made contribution for Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition(塞尔达无双:最终版), made contribution for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild(塞尔达传说:旷野之息) 2020-12-27
ArchenG33K posted new topic in group: GameDB 添加申请 - 捉虫:阿尔芭野外冒险页面的购买链接缺失货币单位 2020-12-27
ArchenG33K posted new topic in group: GameDB 添加申请 - 捉虫:洞穴探险 Spelunky Classic页面截图以及购买地址匹配错误 2020-12-27
ArchenG33K posted new topic in group: GameDB 添加申请 - 捉个虫:GameDB中的2015公司页面的成立时间改正 2020-12-26
ArchenG33K commented 中文名称批量修改:是否应该修改GameDB里面V社所有的『半衰期』系列游戏的中文名 in group: GameDB 添加申请 2020-12-26
ArchenG33K commented on game: 灵媒 - The Medium 2020-12-26
ArchenG33K commented on game: 灵媒 - The Medium 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K joined group: 综合讨论组 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑) 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑) 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑), made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword(骑马与砍杀:火与剑) 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K posted new topic in group: GameDB 添加申请 - 中文名称批量修改:是否应该修改GameDB里面V社所有的『半衰期』系列游戏的中文名 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K created new game list: ArchenG33K拥有的游戏 2020-12-25
ArchenG33K made contribution for Bridge Constructor: Medieval(中世纪建桥), made contribution for Minion Masters(爪牙大师), made contribution for Cry of Fear, made contribution for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword, made contribution for Pocket Kingdom(口袋王国) 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K achieved: Newcomer
ArchenG33K has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K made contribution for Pocket Mine 3, made contribution for Runestone Keeper(符石守护者), made contribution for VOEZ(兰空), made contribution for Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire, made contribution for Never Alone: Ki Edition 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K made contribution for Game of Dice(富翁时代), made contribution for Game of Dice(富翁时代), made contribution for Game of Dice(筛子游戏), made contribution for Kingdom Rush(王国保卫战), made contribution for Turbo Dismount(车祸英雄) 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K posted new topic in group: GameDB 添加申请 - 申请添加:SUPER CIRCUIT BREAKERS 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K joined group: GameDB 添加申请 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K joined group: indienova App 小组 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K joined group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K commented on game: P.T. - P.T. 2020-12-24
ArchenG33K made contribution for Hyper Scape(超能竞地), made contribution for Kholat(迪亚特洛夫事件), made contribution for Don't Starve(饥荒) 2020-12-23
ArchenG33K followed: vincentely 2020-12-23
ArchenG33K followed: shoshiiran 2020-12-23