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荣誉成员 (Professional)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer),前内容主管 (Media)

Last Activity

ayame made a comment on an article: 独立崛起:始于游戏,终于精神 2019-08-23

ayame made a comment on an article: 独立崛起:始于游戏,终于精神 2019-08-23

ayame posted an article: 独立崛起:始于游戏,终于精神 2019-08-21

ayame liked user's game: 4.44 2019-04-15

ayame contributed to game: Mutazione with:封面图片 2019-04-03

ayame joined group: 游戏自然主义 2019-04-03

ayame made a comment on an article: 诺娃速递 SP:PAX EAST 2019 特别篇 2019-03-28

ayame made a short review on game: Baba is You(巴巴是你) 2019-03-24

ayame made a comment on an article: 游戏设计工具 #8:流程图 2019-03-21

ayame followed: misslight 2019-03-13

ayame made a comment on an article: 本周Steam值得关注的游戏 3.11-3.17 2019-03-12

ayame commented on game list: 游戏列表:准备写稿(5) 2019-03-03

ayame commented on game list: 游戏列表:准备写稿(5) 2019-03-01

ayame commented on game list: 游戏列表:准备写稿(7) 2019-03-01

ayame made contribution for Deltarune, made contribution for Deltarune 2019-02-28

ayame followed: Codinggamer 2019-02-25

ayame liked article: 诺娃速递:陶瓷太阳下 2019-02-25

ayame liked user blog: 来帮我们创造快乐 2019-02-24

ayame contributed to game: Opus Magnum(巨著) with:中文简介 2019-02-22

ayame liked group post: 愿望成真了 2019-02-21

ayame made a comment on an article: Lost Histories Jam:追寻失落的游戏历史 2019-02-21

ayame made contribution for Fight the Horror(瞑目), made contribution for Fight the Horror(瞑目), made contribution for Fight the Horror(瞑目) 2019-02-21

ayame liked group post: 《铸时匠》开玩啦 2019-02-20

ayame commented 《铸时匠》开玩啦 in group: 综合讨论组 2019-02-20

ayame made a comment on an article: 《洞窟物语》的引导式设计 2019-02-19

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