dlgame achieved: ArtDEN 艺术家 2020-06-23

used the secret force... 2020-06-23

dlgame liked article: 《怪谈》开发记录(05) 2020-04-08

dlgame made a comment on a blog: 时隔一年的重启 2020-04-07

dlgame made a comment on a blog: 时隔一年的重启 2020-04-06

dlgame liked user blog: 时隔一年的重启 2020-04-06

dlgame followed: ericwhtang 2020-03-18

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: screenshots 2020-02-28

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: screenshots 2020-02-28

dlgame posted a blog: 最终的目标是追求阵容深度 2020-02-27

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: screenshots 2020-02-27

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: title 2020-02-27

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: videos 2020-02-25

dlgame posted a blog: 向拳皇致敬 2020-02-24

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: videos 2020-02-14

dlgame posted a blog: 尝试添加了羁绊系统 2020-02-14

dlgame made a comment on a blog: 战斗数值攻防的基本思考 2020-02-11

dlgame made a comment on a blog: 祭神之日1月份开发总结 2020-02-09

dlgame liked user blog: 祭神之日1月份开发总结 2020-02-09

dlgame updated the game: 水浒同人自走棋: title 2020-02-02

dlgame has upgraded to grade: 6 2020-01-17

dlgame updated the game: 行者: videos 2020-01-17

dlgame posted a blog: 多标准衡量是否成功 2020-01-10

dlgame updated the game: 行者: videos 2020-01-10

dlgame liked user blog: 我的2019 2020-01-04

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