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拳⑨ updated the game: Contact Me: detailed information
拳⑨ achieved: Indie Developer
拳⑨ released a new game: Contact Me
拳⑨ made a comment on an article: 【请别再说Unity不如Unreal】Unity室内场景 + 光照练习 3 2017-07-21
拳⑨ has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-07-19
拳⑨ joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2017-06-19
拳⑨ made a comment on an article: 小岛秀夫回来了,带着他的新玩具 Death Stranding 回来了 2016-06-16
拳⑨ made a comment on a blog: Indienova 有奖征稿活动 2016-06-14
拳⑨ achieved: Invitation
拳⑨ made a comment on a blog: 我的个人独立游戏开发日志#4 2016-05-16