No personal information provided
Ques studio made a comment on a blog: 盘点90后的童年玩具,玩过5种以上的,非富即贵! 2021-09-15
Ques studio posted a blog: 【上线倒计时6天!!!】 2020-10-23
Ques studio joined group: 上海独立游戏 2020-10-09
Ques studio liked user blog: 写在新的项目开始前夜 2020-10-09
Ques studio posted a blog: 游戏商店开放了 2020-09-30
Ques studio updated the game: 生活模拟器: store links
Ques studio updated the game: 生活模拟器: detailed information
Ques studio liked user's game: 生活模拟器 2020-07-09
Ques studio posted a blog: 试玩版相关 2020-07-09
Ques studio liked user blog: 《太吾》《家长》凭什么爆火?浅谈从文化的角度做游戏设计 2020-07-08
Ques studio updated the game: 改名中: detailed information
Ques studio updated the game: 改名中: title
Ques studio updated the game: 流浪之城: development progress 95%
Ques studio updated the game: 流浪之城: detailed information
Ques studio updated the game: 流浪之城: screenshots
Ques studio liked user's game: 职场人生 2020-05-27
Ques studio liked user's game: 鬼谷八荒 2020-05-26
Ques studio made a comment on a user game: 流浪之城 2020-05-26
Ques studio updated the game: 流浪之城: detailed information
Ques studio made a comment on a user game: 流浪之城 2020-05-26
Ques studio updated the game: 流浪之城: detailed information
Ques studio updated the game: 流浪之城: development progress 70%
Ques studio liked user's game: 流浪之城 2020-05-21
Ques studio made a comment on a user game: 流浪之城 2020-05-21
Ques studio released a new game: 流浪之城
Ques studio has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-05-21
Ques studio liked user blog: 作为中小游戏团队,如何解决“发行”这个痛点? 2020-05-07
Ques studio liked user blog: 【中字/纪录片】独立游戏工作室巡礼 DevQuest E01~E04 全集 2019-12-21
Ques studio liked user blog: 中小游戏团队如何突围?腾讯这个活动或能帮你打开思路 2019-11-21
Ques studio updated the game: 无: title