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Slash has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-10-18

Slash liked article: indienova Gaia 正式启用 2018-04-20

Slash achieved: Newcomer 2018-04-20

Slash has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-04-20

Slash saved article: AI 行为树的工作原理 2018-01-23

Slash liked article: AI 行为树的工作原理 2018-01-23

Slash saved article: 随机性与游戏设计 2017-01-23

Slash joined group: 游戏古登堡计划 2017-01-17

Slash saved article: 概率与游戏:伤害检定 2017-01-10

Slash saved article: 游戏研究方法 #1:游戏分析 2016-11-30

Slash saved article: Rush Rover 中闪烁特效制作解析 2016-07-11

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