文又歌 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-01-26

文又歌 posted new topic in group: 成都独立游戏开发 - 搬新家啦~顺带招人~ 2020-09-01

文又歌 made a comment on a user game: 钢铁战区 2020-08-22

文又歌 updated the game: 钢铁战区: detailed information 2020-07-30

文又歌 updated the game: 钢铁战区: development progress 60% 2020-07-29

文又歌 updated the game: 钢铁战区: detailed information 2020-07-29

文又歌 updated the game: 钢铁战区: screenshots 2020-07-23

文又歌 updated the game: 钢铁战区: screenshots 2020-07-23

文又歌 updated the game: 钢铁战区: title 2020-07-23

文又歌 followed: Liusc 2020-03-19

文又歌 updated the game: 全金属对决: screenshots 2020-02-27

文又歌 updated the game: 全金属对决: logo image 2020-02-26

文又歌 updated the game: 全金属对决: videos 2020-02-26

文又歌 updated the game: 全金属对决: screenshots 2020-02-26

文又歌 liked group post: Darkwood shack (tw:@pixeldoshi) 2020-01-24

文又歌 liked group post: PlopSaga像素场景Caves 2020-01-24

文又歌 joined group: 成都独立游戏开发 2020-01-19

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