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Last Activity

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: detailed information 2018-07-22

DD followed: Salt Sound Studio 2018-06-12

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: team 2018-06-12

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: development progress 26% 2018-06-11

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: development progress 24% 2018-05-28

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: development progress 22% 2018-05-19

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: basic information 2018-05-09

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: development progress 20% 2018-05-08

DD updated the game: 游戏从业者: development progress 18% 2018-05-04

DD posted a blog: 游戏开发进度-任务系统 2018-05-04

DD made a comment on a user game: 龙之竞技场 2018-05-02

DD liked user's game: 龙之竞技场 2018-05-02

DD joined group: Steam 2018-05-01

DD made a comment on a user game: 独立游戏万岁! 2018-05-01

DD made a comment on a user game: 龙之竞技场 2018-05-01

DD liked user's game: 游戏从业者 2018-05-01

DD achieved: Indie Developer 2018-05-01

DD released a new game: 游戏从业者 2018-05-01

DD achieved: Newcomer 2018-05-01

DD has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-05-01

DD upgraded your membership 2018-02-08

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