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《武器店物语》 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
No personal information provided
《武器店物语》 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
IndiecnGames has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-04-17
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 《武器店物语》游民星空评测7.8分:细水流长的经营乐趣 2017-04-17
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 《武器店物语》结束EA,推出正式版本并开启8折促销 2017-03-29
IndiecnGames updated the game: 武器店物语: development progress 99%
IndiecnGames posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 一个人做游戏是一种怎样的体验? 2017-03-18
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 一个人做游戏是一种怎样的体验? 2017-03-18
IndiecnGames made a comment on a blog: 《武器店物语》获得steam本月热门新品推荐啦 2017-03-01
IndiecnGames posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 武器店物语Steam国区大图推荐!我有些话想说 2017-03-01
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 武器店物语Steam国区大图推荐!我有些话想说 2017-03-01
IndiecnGames posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 《武器店物语》获得steam本月热门新品推荐啦 2017-02-28
IndiecnGames joined group: 综合讨论组 2017-02-28
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 《武器店物语》获得steam本月热门新品推荐啦 2017-02-28
IndiecnGames updated the game: 武器店物语: store links
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 我只是想做出来点什么… 2017-02-16
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 《武器店物语》已获青睐!2月底发布EA 2017-02-15
IndiecnGames was verified as: 《武器店物语》 开发团队 2017-02-13
IndiecnGames made a comment on a user game: 武器店物语 2017-02-12
IndiecnGames posted a blog: 绿光暂时排名#90,仍在等待被青睐,希望继续支持我们! 2017-02-09
IndiecnGames achieved: Indie Developer
IndiecnGames released a new game: 武器店物语
IndiecnGames achieved: Newcomer
IndiecnGames has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-02-09
IndiecnGames followed: Humble Ray 2016-08-17
IndiecnGames followed: eastecho 2016-08-17