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Last Activity

xcc liked article: 独立游戏开发中的版本控制 2024-08-03

xcc followed: Dluck 2024-08-03

xcc followed: 方程 2021-09-09

xcc liked article: 分支剧情创作中的挑战和工具 2021-07-26

xcc liked group post: 有做“小旷野之息”的吗? 2021-07-16

xcc liked user's game: 绿梦广场 2020-07-20

xcc made a comment on a blog: #5 | Anchor开发日志 2020-06-29

xcc made a comment on a blog: 高阶 Inky 残卷 2020-01-06

xcc liked user blog: 高阶 Inky 残卷 2020-01-06

xcc followed: zephyr1125 2019-10-18

xcc followed: 酱油Studio 2019-10-17

xcc made a comment on a user game: 山海旅人 2019-07-02

xcc made a comment on a user game: 三国杀Online 2019-02-21

xcc achieved: Newcomer 2018-09-19

xcc has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-09-19

xcc made a comment on a blog: Daily Pixel | 第一周:像素画初尝试 2017-05-15

xcc liked article: Voxatron 和它的堂兄 PICO-8 2017-04-03

xcc liked article: GameMaker Studio 2 初体验 2017-03-13

xcc made a comment on a blog: 好多天没更新进度了,因为 2017-03-09

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