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WAVE 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: GMS2官方教程系列1/8——角色移动 2017-05-25

OldDogIsGone made a comment on an article: 游戏制作相关 Youtube 频道推荐 2017-05-24

OldDogIsGone liked blog: roguelike盛宴 2017-05-18

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: Hello word! 2017-05-07

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: GameMaker Studio 2的精灵编辑器 2017-05-06

OldDogIsGone made a comment on an article: Flinthook:动静结合的Roguelite佳作 2017-04-23

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: 喜加一的像素绘画软件Aseprite 2017-04-19

OldDogIsGone was verified as: WAVE 开发团队 2017-04-18

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: Singular 概念设计 2017-04-16

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: 游戏开发过程【家庭保卫战】 2017-04-13

OldDogIsGone joined group: itch 2017-04-10

OldDogIsGone made a comment on a blog: 提个意见 2017-04-08

OldDogIsGone saved article: 从 GDC 分享中汲取养分 2017-04-04

OldDogIsGone made a comment on an article: GameMaker Studio 2 上手指南 2017-03-14

OldDogIsGone followed: 熊拖泥 2017-03-13

OldDogIsGone followed: 疯王子 2017-01-28

OldDogIsGone followed: 了脚喵 2017-01-28

OldDogIsGone achieved: Indie Developer 2017-01-25

OldDogIsGone released a new game: WAVE 2017-01-25

OldDogIsGone achieved: Newcomer 2017-01-25

OldDogIsGone has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-01-25

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