- Participated in 3 NovaPress
Alexa made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的游戏 7.30-8.5 Part.1 2018-08-01
Alexa made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #22:你不是真正的快乐 2016-07-30
Alexa made a comment on an article: 让我们在音乐中藏点儿东西吧 2016-07-28
Alexa made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #21:VR 深度作品的可能 2016-07-26
Alexa saved article: Indie Focus #21:VR 深度作品的可能 2016-07-26
Alexa liked group post: 【Daily Free】这个横板跳跃游戏需要你自己滚动屏幕 Scrolling Survivor 2016-07-26
Alexa made a comment on an article: This Is the Police:作为一个警长,你要在180天内赚50万美元 2016-07-25
Alexa made a comment on an article: 节奏游戏开发指南 #0:如何拆除原子弹 2016-07-24
Alexa made a comment on an article: 来 Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor 中当一名太空垃圾清洁工吧 2016-07-21
Alexa made a comment on an article: 云室(Cloud Chamber):一款新类型的游戏 2016-07-21
Alexa made a comment on an article: 云室(Cloud Chamber):一款新类型的游戏 2016-07-21
Alexa made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #1: 介绍与安装 2016-07-21
Alexa made a comment on an article: 做 Fez 的 Phil Fish 没有停止,他还在做这款艺术品 2016-07-21
Alexa made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #20:独立游戏定价迷思 2016-07-17
Alexa made a comment on an article: 今年夏天,我第一次挑战了上海站的 GameJam 2016-07-17
Alexa made a comment on an article: 专业开发者眼中的 GameMaker 2016-07-13
Alexa posted a blog: 嗯...乱七八糟的脑洞 2016-07-13
Alexa made a comment on a blog: 由 indienova 提供汉化的 Replica 今日上架 Steam 2016-07-12
Alexa saved article: RETSNOM:一边玩,一边改地图 2016-07-12
Alexa made a comment on a Steam game: Where is my Heart? :: 吾心何在? 2016-07-05
Alexa achieved: Invitation