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Imoon made a comment on an article: Ludum Dare 35 经验总结:完成度是必要条件 2016-06-19
Imoon has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 来看看这些#LOWREZJAM的作品呗,说不定下次就想参加了呢 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 为什么我们要玩老游戏? 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: Salt and Sanctuary:横版黑暗之魂初体验 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 没有什么特点但是看起来很好玩:Curses 'N Chaos 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 它或许是游戏界第一个轻喜剧 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 独立游戏音乐欣赏 #4 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on a blog: 看E3也别忘了我们,indienova开放注册送多重好礼 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: NPCs,游戏机制与情感体验 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 君子雷雷试玩:掌握星球的命运-宇宙主义 The Universim 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 独立游戏一分钟——华丽丽的装甲车 Pretty Panzer 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: Alt. Ctrl. Gaming : 可以变形的 Wiz 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #15:驾驶火车穿越濒死之地 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 中国独立游戏大赛收到200+作品提名名单月底公布 2016-06-19
Imoon made a comment on an article: 除了休闲娱乐,游戏还能带给玩家什么? 2016-06-19
Imoon followed: Humble Ray 2016-06-19