katichar followed: duliyouxi11 2021-09-30

katichar updated the game: 王者之争: demos 2021-05-31

katichar joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2021-01-20

katichar liked user's game: JU 2020-12-11

katichar followed: 张公子 2020-12-11

katichar followed: bylin 2020-11-25

katichar followed: LanternStudio 2020-11-25

katichar followed: 高鸣 蜡烛人挚友 2020-11-25

katichar followed: ScreamboxStudio 2020-11-25

katichar followed: sacshadow 2020-10-29

katichar followed: 咸鱼的A 2020-09-04

katichar followed: 游戏发现 2020-09-04

katichar liked article: 周末游戏视频集锦 #62 2020-09-04

katichar followed: RecastStudio 2020-09-03

katichar followed: wyj1998 2020-08-20

katichar followed: hmilylbj 2020-08-18

katichar followed: GY.宫? 2020-07-23

katichar updated the game: 王者之争: logo image 2020-07-22

katichar updated the game: 王者之争: contacts 2020-07-19

katichar liked user's game: 王者之争 2020-07-16

katichar updated the game: 王者之争: videos 2020-07-16

katichar updated the game: 王者之争: screenshots 2020-07-15

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