Motom updated the game: 蓬蒿行记:明: screenshots 2024-06-26
Motom updated the game: 蓬蒿行记:明: preview image 2024-05-26
Motom updated the game: 蓬蒿行记:明: detailed information 2024-05-04
Motom updated the game: 蓬蒿行记:明: videos 2024-04-10
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: detailed information 2024-03-28
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: videos 2024-03-28
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: detailed information 2024-02-09
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: videos 2024-01-29
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: detailed information 2023-12-10
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: detailed information 2023-10-31
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: videos 2023-10-29
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: screenshots 2023-10-07
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: screenshots 2023-10-02
Motom updated the game: 行记:明: screenshots 2023-09-17
Motom achieved: Indie Developer 2023-09-16
Motom has upgraded to grade: 2 2023-09-16
Motom commented 招募独立游戏制作人员 in group: 成都独立游戏开发 2023-09-03
Motom posted new topic in group: 成都独立游戏开发 - 招募独立游戏制作人员 2023-08-31
Motom posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 招募独立游戏 动作制作人员 2023-08-14