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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
No personal information provided
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Rashel posted an article: 治愈系、向善、非暴力:Wholesome Games创始人马修·泰勒专访
Rashel posted an article: UCLA Game Lab 创始人专访:因“不做”而“可以做”
Rashel has upgraded to grade: 6 2024-12-20
Rashel posted an article: 让游戏界朋了个克:Bit Bash互动艺术节专访
Rashel liked article: 技术推动的游戏发展史 2024-07-21
Rashel saved article: 技术推动的游戏发展史 2024-07-21
Rashel liked article: Wholesome Direct 2024 游戏情报汇总(上) 2024-06-17
Rashel saved article: Wholesome Direct 2024 游戏情报汇总(上) 2024-06-17
Rashel saved article: Wholesome Direct 2024 游戏情报汇总(下) 2024-06-17
Rashel liked article: Wholesome Direct 2024 游戏情报汇总(下) 2024-06-17
Rashel posted an article: 筹备华人游戏设计师个展、对话GDC,这间古董机构想干什么?旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆策展人专访
Rashel followed: GaryUnhappy 2024-02-27
Rashel liked article: 耻辱2关卡设计师带你进入游戏行业 - 展示关卡设计作品集的最佳方式! 2024-02-27
Rashel liked article: 电脑 RPG 游戏史 #153:极乐迪斯科 2024-01-30
Rashel liked article: NOVA海外独立游戏见闻 Vol.14 2024-01-30
Rashel liked article: 如何让玩家愿意长期游玩 2024-01-30
Rashel liked article: 游戏基础知识——虚构婚姻的设计 2024-01-30
Rashel posted an article: IndieCade 夜游会 2023:在共玩中开心地消磨时光
Rashel followed: ThirtyThree 2023-09-05
Rashel saved article: An Idle RPG that Tries to Teach Players How to Program:Interview with the Lead Developer of SSRPG 2023-09-05
Rashel liked article: An Idle RPG that Tries to Teach Players How to Program:Interview with the Lead Developer of SSRPG 2023-09-05
Rashel saved article: 如何让玩家在可预见的失败中全力以赴?(上) 2023-09-05
Rashel liked article: 如何让玩家在可预见的失败中全力以赴?(上) 2023-09-05
Rashel liked article: 游戏基础知识——“女神”角色的设计手法 2023-08-30
Rashel saved article: 游戏基础知识——“女神”角色的设计手法 2023-08-30