游戏设计,游戏开发者,K12 教育
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: platforms 2020-07-22
Eiman made a comment on an article: “我觉得动物之森没什么好玩的” 2020-03-16
Eiman has upgraded to grade: 6 2020-02-27
Eiman posted an article: “我觉得动物之森没什么好玩的” 2020-02-26
Eiman made a comment on an article: “我觉得动物之森没什么好玩的” 2020-02-26
Eiman posted a blog: “我觉得动物之森没什么好玩的” 2020-02-20
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: platforms 2020-02-12
Eiman commented 我get不到无标题大鹅的魅力点在哪 in group: 综合讨论组 2019-12-30
Eiman commented 我get不到无标题大鹅的魅力点在哪 in group: 综合讨论组 2019-12-28
Eiman commented 我get不到无标题大鹅的魅力点在哪 in group: 综合讨论组 2019-12-27
Eiman made a comment on an article: 投稿:向死而生 - 中国独立游戏的过去、现在与未来 2019-12-18
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: store links 2019-10-07
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: basic information 2019-10-06
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: logo image 2019-07-19
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: development progress 100% 2019-07-18
Eiman liked article: 七月:会员游戏集中发行! 2019-07-17
Eiman posted an article: 克洛克开发日志 #4 Steamworks 商店页面布置上传游戏踩坑 2019-07-11
Eiman has upgraded to grade: 5 2019-07-11
Eiman posted a blog: 克洛克开发日志#4 Steamworks商店页面布置上传游戏踩坑 2019-07-10
Eiman updated the game: COLLOC: logo image 图 2019-07-04
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: logo image 图 2019-07-04
Eiman updated the game: 克洛克: development progress 90% 2019-07-03