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独游凯恩IndieCain liked article: BOSS 的设计哲学 2025-01-14

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: FrozenAurora 2025-01-14

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: mrup 2025-01-10

独游凯恩IndieCain updated the game: 耶兰多: store links 2024-11-29

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: FilterGame 2024-08-30

独游凯恩IndieCain made a comment on a user game: AirBoost 2024-08-30

独游凯恩IndieCain liked user's game: AirBoost 2024-08-30

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: falsedriver 2024-08-04

独游凯恩IndieCain released a new game: 耶兰多 2024-07-09

独游凯恩IndieCain has upgraded to grade: 3 2024-07-09

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: helixngc7293 2024-04-30

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: BINGOBELL 2024-04-26

独游凯恩IndieCain liked user's game: 卡库远古封印 2024-04-26

独游凯恩IndieCain made a comment on an article: 游戏设计思考:运气 2024-04-26

独游凯恩IndieCain followed: 忧郁爵士 2024-01-10

独游凯恩IndieCain posted a blog: 随记_灵感老虎机 2024-01-08

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