李三影 liked group post: LD51 分享一些感觉比较好玩的游戏 2022-10-04
李三影 commented LD#51 Schedule Master's dungeon adventure in group: Ludum Dare 2022-10-04
李三影 liked group post: LD51 Compo组 Temple of Harmony 2022-10-04
李三影 liked group post: LD51 Chicken Produced All - Clicker game 2022-10-04
李三影 has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-10-04
李三影 commented LD51 Neural Dodge in group: Ludum Dare 2022-10-04
李三影 liked group post: LD51 Neural Dodge 2022-10-04
李三影 posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD#51 Schedule Master's dungeon adventure 2022-10-04
李三影 liked article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 9.28-10.4(下) 2020-09-29
李三影 liked user's game: 忍者传:三好家的陨落 2020-09-23
李三影 updated the game: 忍者传:三好家的陨落: basic information
李三影 achieved: Indie Developer
李三影 released a new game: 忍者传:三好家的陨落
李三影 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-06-19
李三影 liked article: 《跳跳小子》开发日志 07 — 反思与总结 2019-10-17
李三影 liked article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 10.14-10.20(上) 2019-10-14
李三影 liked user blog: 桃花源 | 2019.20 | 卫生间大修 2019-05-17
李三影 liked article: 来看看我们的朋友们在这次 Ludum Dare 43 中的作品 2018-12-07
李三影 liked group post: LD#43 Wind 2018-12-04
李三影 commented LD#43 Space traveler in group: Ludum Dare 2018-12-04
李三影 followed: GoldRanger 2018-12-04
李三影 liked group post: LD#43 Sacrifice to win 牺牲为了胜利 2018-12-03
李三影 liked group post: LD#43 Nino's Servants ~ The Day We Die For Her ~ 2018-12-03
李三影 liked group post: LD#43 KeyboardGod 2018-12-03
李三影 commented LD#43 Price of Freedom in group: Ludum Dare 2018-12-03