π made a comment on a blog: 《月白》四年独立开发总结-美术篇 2024-04-17

π made a comment on a blog: 《月白》四年独立开发总结-美术篇 2024-04-17

π made a comment on a blog: 《月白》四年独立开发总结-美术篇 2024-04-16

π followed: 游戏设计师新茂 2024-02-08

π liked blog: Global Game Jam 2024总结和分享 2024-02-03

π has upgraded to grade: 8 2024-02-03

π liked group post: 配乐师接活。 2024-01-07

π made a comment on a blog: 从字节离职,准备创业中…… 2024-01-05

π followed: Artless Games 2023-12-28

π made a comment on an article: NOVA海外独立游戏见闻 Vol.8 2023-12-14

π saved article: 从零开始制作一款桌游的经历 2023-12-02

π followed: Nun 2023-12-02

π liked user blog: 检讨 2023-11-28

π liked blog: 游戏设计思路的记录方法 2023-11-25

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