cocos2d-x + javascript / unity3d + lua
mutoo liked article: 日皮中骨的游戏范式:碧蓝的壮阔,不只一线 2018-04-20
mutoo liked article: indienova Gaia 正式启用 2018-04-20
mutoo made a comment on an article: PAX Australia 独立游戏巡礼:商业的够硬,艺术的够美 2017-10-29
mutoo made a comment on an article: [译] 缺乏动力完成你的游戏时,该怎么办? 2017-10-06
mutoo saved article: 与独立游戏有关的纪录片 2017-09-25
mutoo liked article: Daily Pixel第一周:像素画初尝试 2017-09-20
mutoo made a comment on an article: 从零开始手敲次世代游戏引擎#1 2017-09-13
mutoo saved article: Unravel:创意+情怀 2016-12-17
mutoo saved article: 书籍推介:Playful Thinking Series 2016-08-07
mutoo was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-06-16
mutoo made a comment on an article: 一只猫穿梭在香港的神秘项目 2016-06-04
mutoo made a comment on an article: Twitch 开辟永久性的游戏开发频道 2016-05-27
mutoo has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-05-27
mutoo joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2016-05-27
mutoo achieved: Invitation
mutoo saved article: Roguelike 到底是啥-讲讲 Roguelike 相关知识 2016-05-26
mutoo saved article: Kenny 工作室献给游戏开发者的礼物 2016-05-26