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Eatwell 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
- Started 1 NovaPress
No personal information provided
Eatwell 开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
Spiez has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-10-23
Spiez made a comment on a blog: 发几张原来领养的喵星人。 2017-08-22
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: platforms 2017-07-28
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: basic information 2017-07-28
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: videos 2017-07-26
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: development progress 100% 2017-07-21
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: development progress 95% 2017-07-03
Spiez commented 成功注册公司,寻找独游开发小伙伴~ in group: 综合讨论组 2017-06-28
Spiez made a comment on an article: 中国X北欧国际Game Jam vol.2 : 开工,美景 2017-06-15
Spiez liked article: 中国X北欧国际Game Jam 报道vol.1 : 启程与第一日 2017-06-14
Spiez made a comment on an article: 时间巨紧迫的丹麦之行终于要启程了 2017-06-07
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-06-01
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-05-22
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-05-14
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-05-11
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-05-06
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-05-06
Spiez made a comment on an article: AMAZE 第二日:Workshop 的联结方式 2017-05-05
Spiez liked article: AMAZE 第二日:Workshop 的联结方式 2017-05-05
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: screenshots 2017-04-30
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: development progress 65% 2017-04-27
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: development progress 60% 2017-04-18
Spiez liked article: 关于游戏设计专业院校,你所不知道的 #11:RIT 程序见长与项目实践 2017-03-31
Spiez liked article: 关于游戏设计专业院校,你所不知道的 #12:University of Skövde 这次先聊 Serious Game 2017-03-31
Spiez updated the game: Eatwell: development progress 40% 2017-03-26