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Last Activity

LandMaster made a comment on a user game: 迷失之径 2023-11-01

LandMaster liked user's game: 迷失之径 2023-11-01

LandMaster joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2023-08-25

LandMaster followed: 朔锋 2023-08-25

LandMaster joined group: 综合讨论组 2023-08-07

LandMaster joined group: 游戏开发组 2023-08-07

LandMaster joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2023-08-07

LandMaster posted new topic in group: Steam - 《黑白之地》7.4-7.18 二测实机演示 2023-08-07

LandMaster made a comment on a blog: 《黑白之地》Boss弹幕演示 2023-06-14

LandMaster liked user blog: 《黑白之地》Boss弹幕演示 2023-06-07

LandMaster liked user blog: 黑白之地5.3-5.10测试花絮 2023-05-24

LandMaster has upgraded to grade: 3 2023-05-24

LandMaster updated the game: 黑白之地: basic information 2023-05-24

LandMaster updated the game: 黑白之地: videos 2023-05-18

LandMaster posted new 链接: 弹幕MMO《黑白之地Xanadu Land》测试预告 in group: Steam 2023-05-16

LandMaster joined group: Steam 2023-05-16

LandMaster updated the game: 黑白之地: detailed information 2023-05-16

LandMaster posted a blog: 黑白之地5.3-5.10测试花絮 2023-05-16

LandMaster liked user's game: 黑白之地 2023-02-01

LandMaster achieved: Indie Developer 2023-02-01

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