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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

叶与秋 liked article: indienova 开放写作计划 2018-07-05

叶与秋 has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-06-08

叶与秋 made a comment on an article: 游戏化面临的几点批评 2018-06-03

叶与秋 liked article: 最好没有“严肃游戏” 2018-05-27

叶与秋 posted new topic in group: 游戏化 Gamification - Gamification Market 2018-05-26

叶与秋 followed: ayame9joe 2018-05-16

叶与秋 posted new topic in group: 游戏化 Gamification - 游戏化相关的书籍 2018-04-28

叶与秋 commented 游戏化设计师 in group: 游戏化 Gamification 2018-04-25

叶与秋 posted new topic in group: 游戏化 Gamification - 游戏化的相关机构 2018-04-25

叶与秋 posted new topic in group: 游戏化 Gamification - 游戏化设计师 2018-04-25

叶与秋 followed: 则栋 2018-04-25

叶与秋 created group: 游戏化 Gamification 2018-04-25

叶与秋 joined group: Serious Game功能游戏 2018-04-25

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