Jerry Zhao released a new game: 指间堡垒 2020-06-30

Jerry Zhao has upgraded to grade: 6 2020-06-30

Jerry Zhao followed: PittLu 2020-06-24

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 机甲佣兵 DEVLOG 2019.03.23 2019-03-27

Jerry Zhao liked user blog: 机甲佣兵 DEVLOG 2019.03.23 2019-03-27

Jerry Zhao liked user's game: 亲爱的Ashely 2019-02-19

Jerry Zhao liked user blog: 机甲佣兵 DevLog 2019.02.14 2019-02-14

Jerry Zhao followed: 2019-01-13

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 机甲佣兵 DevLog 2018.11.15 2018-12-07

Jerry Zhao liked user blog: 机甲佣兵 DevLog 2018.11.15 2018-12-07

Jerry Zhao followed: ReevisL 2018-12-07

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a user game: 机甲佣兵 2018-12-07

Jerry Zhao saved article: 独立游戏人的 2017 2018-01-22

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 2017年的记录与总结 2018-01-22

Jerry Zhao liked user blog: 2017年的记录与总结 2018-01-22

Jerry Zhao updated the game: 布丁战士: development progress 30% 2017-10-13

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 文科生编程学习手记 2017-08-25

Jerry Zhao followed: MrUp 2017-08-17

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 文科生编程学习手记 2017-08-16

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 文科生编程学习手记 2017-08-16

Jerry Zhao made a comment on a blog: 文科生编程学习手记 2017-08-16

Jerry Zhao made a comment on an article: 我是谁:从 Pyre 谈玩家角色的身份认同 2017-08-15

Jerry Zhao made a comment on an article: 我是谁:从 Pyre 谈玩家角色的身份认同 2017-08-11

Jerry Zhao followed: 枫丹白露 2017-08-11

Jerry Zhao updated the game: 布丁战士: logo image 2017-07-21

Jerry Zhao joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2017-05-25

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