

个人独立制作人,代表作《爆发Eruption》 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity
Looking For Partners

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: development progress 88% 2025-03-14

dengbohan liked group post: 新项目寻求核心合伙人! 2025-02-18

dengbohan posted new topic in group: Unity3D - 新项目寻求核心合伙人! 2025-02-18

dengbohan joined group: Unity3D 2025-02-18

dengbohan joined group: 游戏开发组 2025-02-18

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: basic information 2024-09-13

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: basic information 2024-06-26

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: screenshots 2024-04-16

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: screenshots 2023-12-01

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: basic information 2022-12-03

dengbohan has upgraded to grade: 4 2022-10-15

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: basic information 2022-07-17

dengbohan joined group: 南京独立游戏 2022-05-03

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: basic information 2022-05-02

dengbohan posted a blog: 2022.5.2 更新一下开发计划 2022-05-02

dengbohan updated the game: 爆发: basic information 2022-04-13

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