
twi & ins: @knh190

Last Activity

Lingxiao has upgraded to grade: 4 2023-06-02

Lingxiao posted a blog: 通用 RPG 叙事规则设计 2022-03-10

Lingxiao has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-12-31

Lingxiao made a comment on an article: 评价游戏的一些维度 2020-12-31

Lingxiao made a comment on an article: 评价游戏的一些维度 2020-12-31

Lingxiao posted a blog: 评价游戏的一些维度 2020-12-28

Lingxiao joined group: Ludum Dare 2019-04-29

Lingxiao liked article: Global Game Jam2018总结和分享 2019-01-21

Lingxiao made a comment on an article: 打破常规,以写作的视角看 Undertale-like 游戏 2019-01-17

Lingxiao saved article: 游戏研究期刊整理 2019-01-17

Lingxiao liked article: 游戏研究期刊整理 2019-01-17

Lingxiao followed: KinoStone 2019-01-16

Lingxiao made a comment on an article: 打破常规,以写作的视角看 Undertale-like 游戏 2019-01-15

Lingxiao made a comment on an article: 打破常规,以写作的视角看 Undertale-like 游戏 2019-01-15

Lingxiao made a comment on an article: Into The Breach 的设计脉络 2019-01-14

Lingxiao liked article: Into The Breach 的设计脉络 2019-01-14

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