
Virtual Cottage

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  • 独立
8 想玩 5 在玩 59 玩过 354 已购买 3 在关注
Welcome to your Virtual Cottage!
Please stay as long as you like and enjoy a cozy, distraction-free environment.

Got some big, uncomfortable tasks you have been putting off for weeks? Virtual Cottage was made to help you start them. Upon entering your cottage, commit to an activity you want to accomplish. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere to ease your start on whatever you want to get done.

Virtual Cottage features amazing lo-fi music from various talented artists. To complete the relaxing atmosphere, a rain sound can be toggled on or off.

类型: 独立

视角: 上帝视角文本

版本: 发行版本 游戏本体

模式: 单人

主题: 历史教育


※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属



Cats everywhere!

Relaxing vibes but more gameplay? Check out Cats Organized Neatly!


Welcome to your Virtual Cottage!
Please stay as long as you like and enjoy a cozy, distraction-free environment.
Got some big, uncomfortable tasks you have been putting off for weeks? Virtual Cottage……显示全部 was made to help you start them. Upon entering your cottage, commit to an activity you want to accomplish. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere to ease your start on whatever you want to get done.

Relaxing Lo-fi Soundtrack

Virtual Cottage features amazing lo-fi music from various talented artists. To complete the relaxing atmosphere, a rain sound can be toggled on or off.
Check out more of their work with the links below!
The cottage is wherever YOU are

The game automatically syncs with your local time and displays a similar lighting scenario. If you are a night owl, just change your computer clock and the graphics will change as well. ;)
Getting things done

There is no way to stop the timer, except for quitting the game. Once you’ve entered an activity, stay committed and get started!

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2020-10-07 Windows 全球


* 信息搜集自:Wikipedia, GiantBomb, GameFaqs, iGDB, MobyGames 等网站和资源