

创建人: sdjdasha

7 信息 70 成员

How to Purchase In-App Items

sdjdasha 2024-11-14

There are too few players so we closed the Google side of the purchase, sorry for the inconvenience.

Since the purchased props are available for both ios and android, here's how you can still purchase items and use them on your Android device:

1. **Purchase on iOS:**

If you have an iOS device, you can buy items there, then use them on your  android device. (Borrow someone else's iOS device to make the purchase if needed. It just need some minutes.)

- Download the Game: Download Farmer And Tree from the App Store.

- Unlock the Store: You may need to longer relationship with a tree to unlock the store.

- Clear Existing Tickets: If you want to purchase lottery tickets, open the settings and enter "#CLEARTICKET" in the command box to remove any gifted tickets, otherwise, you won't be able to make the purchase.

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- Make your purchase.

2. **Retrieve Purchase Details:**

- After purchasing, note down your purchase ID and KEY.

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3. **Log In on Android:**

- Use the purchase ID and KEY to log in on your Android device.

4. **Register Your Account:**

- Register with your email to create a game account.

- Ensure you register on the correct hill, as registration will bind your hill.

5. **Additional Purchases on iOS:**

- You can always log in with your account on another iOS device (You don't need to log out on your device), make additional purchases, and then sign out WITHOUT UPLOAD.

- Re-enter the game on your device to refresh your purchases.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Contact us: sdj.studio@outlook.com


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