Vindictive Drive 2: Maidbot Archive
平台: Windows
- Beautiful Robot Maids to collect!
- Stellar cast of VAs
- Lots of art
- Community driven Maidbot creation!
- A city full of dangers to explore
- An unlimited floor dungeon
MechaMusume bullet hell twin stick shooter style with 18 cute Maidbots to collect.
Send feedback and I promise to try and make a better game every update.
Anime Mecha Action game where you collect Robot Maids and fight giant bosses with them.
- Includes 14 characters to collect (And more coming in fast!)
- 5 City districts to explore with discoverable checkpoints
- Unlimited dungeon challenge
- Maidbot production tied to player feedback, you can vote and suggest your desired designs here.
- Voice Acting from noteworthy professionals from the game, TV and Anime industry, as well as rising stars of great talent
- Fast production and update history, we work restlessly to make the game better!
- Online manga you can read for free
You can see all the robot maids in here: Vindictive Drive 2: Maidbot Archive card list (
Lots of Art and stories to discover, and the mystery of Vitakrosis, as well as the online manga
You can check all the current voice talents in here: Cast Vindictive Drive 2 Maidbot Archive (