Ludum Dare


创建人: Humble Ray

401 信息 779 成员
全世界最牛逼的Game Jam

LD #50 書 shū

落日间 2022-04-05

書 shū

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compo 单人 

itch:io 页面

an experimental game working in Ludum Dare 50.

Inspired by Chinese calligraphy and the painting of  Wu Guan Zhong

1. cover the round with a thick brush, 

2. through the ring with a fine pen, 

3. though in the direction of an arrow through the fine pen. 

4. try to trigger all the targets in one-holding touch.

趁着 LD 50 的机会做了一下之前就很想做的关于,中国书法,身体与气的游戏。

做的时候想到吴冠中的绘画作品,觉得很合适,期待未来能够如 Blek 一样完整。


(if you play on mobile web and no sound)

backup link 


a game made by Zitao YE

Sunset Sway

Thanks for friends' sound assets.

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