作者:DanSon Tang
这篇文章将介绍 UE4 中模拟流体水滴下雨效果的核心思路。
原文来自知乎专栏 UE4 笔记,已取得作者 DanSon Tang 授权发布。
- 雨滑落时候雨痕迹
- 雨下滑的水滴
- 停留在玻璃上的雨滴
当然,这里面最核心的效果是雨滴的滑落,雨滴下滑的时候,不同雨滴的速度不同,如果只是用一张 mask 贴图,然后做 UV 移动,效果无法达到。所以想到能不能有办法来控制雨滴下滑的速度。我们自然想到定义一个数组 SpeedScaleArray[]
来存储一组数据,来控制雨滴下滑的速度。不同的雨滴在下滑时形状和拖尾的长短也不一样,但是我们只想用一张贴图来描述雨滴 d 形状,但是雨滴又要无规则分布。所以接着联想到用不同的 UV 来定位不同雨滴在 UV 坐标下的位置,所以有用一组数组 PointCenterArray[] c
来存放一组 UV 坐标数据。以下是在 Custom
const int ArraySize = 13; const float2 PointCenterArray[ArraySize] = { float2(0.616431, 0.8110922), float2(0.9301831, 0.1473412), float2(0.02223931, 0.1184332), float2(0.8592911, 0.3553432), float2(0.4200671, 0.283112), float2(0.2996781, 0.3984312), float2(0.06235941, 0.5027822), float2(0.2488471, 0.7196162), float2(0.129141, 0.9047732), float2(0.4199991, 0.8350922), float2(0.8572431, 0.8587682), float2(0.7221561, 0.5682152), float2(0.596571, 0.1159342) }; const float SpeedScaleArray[ArraySize] = { 1.367651, 0.8587561, 1.01, 0.8587561, 1.01, 0.6405531, 0.6405531, 0.5894141, 0.7692751, 0.5894141, 1.522451, 1.367651, 1.01 };
上面每个数组总共存储了 13 组数据,来分别描述雨滴下滑的速度以及位置。
//Sample base distortion normal map and unpack it. float2 Distortion = (Texture2DSample(TexD, TexDSampler, LocalDistUV).rg * DistPower - 0.5) * 2.0; //Sample second (smaller) distortion normal map and unpack it. float2 SmallDistortion = (Texture2DSample(TexD, TexDSampler, LocalDistUV * 3.0).rg * DistPower * 0.25 - 0.5) * 2.0; //Add smaller distortion value to base distortion. Distortion.x += SmallDistortion.x; Distortion.y += SmallDistortion.y * 0.5; //Local UVs for sampling droplets texture with array varitations. float2 LocalUV = UV + PointCenterArray[i] + Speed * SpeedScaleArray[i] * 4.0;
第一行和第二行代码使用 Texture2DSample
对第二张法线贴图进行了采样。然后提取 RG
两个通道,后面再通过 DistPower
变量对两张贴图强度进行控制,最终将两张贴图的 RG
两个贴图叠加。这里主要是为了满足美术效果是雨痕和雨滴的形状看起来不规整。最后一段代码,将数组不同的 UV 以及不同流动速度,做了相应的 UV 动画。
{ ... //Adding distortion to UVs. LocalUV += Distortion; //Sample normal map of droplets and unpack it. float3 NewNormal = (Texture2DSample(TexN, TexNSampler, LocalUV).rgb - 0.5) * 2.0; //Blend normal maps together. NormalBlend.b += 1.0; NewNormal.rg *= -1.0; NormalBlend = NormalBlend * dot(NormalBlend, NewNormal) - NewNormal * NormalBlend.b; //Colamp blended normal map. NormalBlend = clamp(NormalBlend, -1.0, 1.0); //Add and mix droplets texture masks. Texture.b = max(Texture.b, Texture2DSample(TexM, TexMSampler, LocalUV).g); Texture.a = max(Texture.a, Texture2DSample(TexM, TexMSampler, LocalUV).r); } //Combine resulting maps into one. return float4(NormalBlend.rg, Texture.ba);
Blending in Detail
//Const variables from script. const int ArraySize = 13; const float2 PointCenterArray[ArraySize] = { float2(0.616431, 0.8110922), float2(0.9301831, 0.1473412), float2(0.02223931, 0.1184332), float2(0.8592911, 0.3553432), float2(0.4200671, 0.283112), float2(0.2996781, 0.3984312), float2(0.06235941, 0.5027822), float2(0.2488471, 0.7196162), float2(0.129141, 0.9047732), float2(0.4199991, 0.8350922), float2(0.8572431, 0.8587682), float2(0.7221561, 0.5682152), float2(0.596571, 0.1159342) }; const float SpeedScaleArray[ArraySize] = { 1.367651, 0.8587561, 1.01, 0.8587561, 1.01, 0.6405531, 0.6405531, 0.5894141, 0.7692751, 0.5894141, 1.522451, 1.367651, 1.01 }; //Clamp amount of droplets to array count. Count = (int) (clamp(Count, 0.0, ArraySize)); //Resulting texture. float4 Texture = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); //Resulting normal map. float3 NormalBlend = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //Lopp for droplets custom tile and animation. for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { //Local distortion UVs for each tile. float2 LocalDistUV = DistUV; //Sample base distortion normal map and unpack it. float2 Distortion = (Texture2DSample(TexD, TexDSampler, LocalDistUV).rg * DistPower - 0.5) * 2.0; //Sample second (smaller) distortion normal map and unpack it. float2 SmallDistortion = (Texture2DSample(TexD, TexDSampler, LocalDistUV * 3.0).rg * DistPower * 0.25 - 0.5) * 2.0; //Add smaller distortion value to base distortion. Distortion.x += SmallDistortion.x; Distortion.y += SmallDistortion.y * 0.5; //Local UVs for sampling droplets texture with array varitations. float2 LocalUV = UV + PointCenterArray[i] + Speed * SpeedScaleArray[i] * 4.0; //Adding distortion to UVs. LocalUV += Distortion; //Sample normal map of droplets and unpack it. float3 NewNormal = (Texture2DSample(TexN, TexNSampler, LocalUV).rgb - 0.5) * 2.0; //Blend normal maps together. NormalBlend.b += 1.0; NewNormal.rg *= -1.0; NormalBlend = NormalBlend * dot(NormalBlend, NewNormal) - NewNormal * NormalBlend.b; //Colamp blended normal map. NormalBlend = clamp(NormalBlend, -1.0, 1.0); //Add and mix droplets texture masks. Texture.b = max(Texture.b, Texture2DSample(TexM, TexMSampler, LocalUV).g); Texture.a = max(Texture.a, Texture2DSample(TexM, TexMSampler, LocalUV).r); } //Combine resulting maps into one. return float4(NormalBlend.rg, Texture.ba);