Origin Systems, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, C64 和 Atari ST
Origin Systems, 1989
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, C64 and Atari ST

1985 年,Origin 出版了《莫比乌斯:天体和谐之球(Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony)》,一个由格雷格・马龙(Greg Malone)的奇怪的 RPG 游戏。这是一款平庸的《创世纪(Ultima)》克隆游戏,但它因其基于中国的设定、怪异的艺术风格,特别是其实时武术战斗而脱颖而出,灵感来自于《空手道(Karateka, 1984)》等格斗游戏。
那么,为什么这样酷的游戏没有被更多人谈论呢?因为战斗很快就成为《风行者》最糟糕的方面之一。攻击有一种石头剪刀布的逻辑——一旦你了解对手的动作,你就知道如何反击他们的攻击。但你只能使用两种战斗方式,而且游戏中只有四种敌人类型——其中一种是最终的 Boss!更糟糕的是,敌人不断产生,把战斗变成了一种苦差事,拖累了整个游戏。
不管怎么说,反正这里没有什么可看的。没有角色创建、状态或技能——你只是在游戏中变得更加强大。世界很小,由小小的岛屿、巨大的空旷海洋组成,NPC 很少,只有三个任务。因此,频繁的战斗让人感觉像是在为本来只有 2-3 个小时的游戏进行懒惰的填充。
手册中对中国特色的设定进行了丰富的描述(还附有参考书目!),甚至其中还有一个 NPC 会用《易经》为你算命,但可悲的是,它没有得到充分利用。您会得到一些古法颂歌,一个几乎不相关的荣誉守则,神话生物,仅此而已。尽管如此,该游戏的确看起来非常独特,使用头像作为图标并使用垂直滚动的透视图,就好像世界是一个圆柱体。
In 1985 Origin published Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony, an odd RPG by Greg Malone. It was a mediocre Ultima-clone, but it stood out due to its Chinese-based setting, bizarre art style and, especially, its real-time martial arts combat, inspired by fighting games like Karateka (1984).
The sequel, Windwalker, went one step further. While its predecessor's combat was reflex-based, you can now battle in turn-based mode, creating a fascinating fighting system that allows you to carefully choose your next move from a menu. Moreover, a real-time replay can be seen afterwards, making it all look like a fierce martial arts duel.
So why isn't such cool game talked about more? Because combat quickly becomes one of Windwalker's worst aspects. Attacks have a rock-paper-scissors logic to them – once you understand your opponent's moves, you'll know how to counter their attacks. But you can use only two fighting styles and there's only four enemy types in the game – one being the final boss! Worse yet, enemies spawn constantly, turning battles into a chore that drags the entire game down.
Regardless, there isn't much to see here anyway. There's no character creation, stats or skills – you just grow stronger as you play. The world is small, composed of tiny islands, a huge empty ocean, very few NPCs and only three quests. Thus, the frequent battles feel like lazy padding for what's otherwise a 2-3 hours game.
The Chinese-inspired setting is richly described in the manual (with a bibliography!) and there's even an NPC that will read your fortune using the I Ching, but otherwise it's tragically underused. You get some magic chants, a mostly irrelevant honour code, mythological creatures and that's about it. Still, the game does look very distinctive, using heads as icons and a perspective that rolls vertically, as if the world was a cylinder.
在《莫比乌斯:天体和谐之球》和《风行者》中,你会被格雷格・马龙的另一个自我——莫比乌斯引导。马龙后来参与了《创世纪 VI》的制作,并导演了《毁灭公爵 3D(Duke Nukem 3D)》
In Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony and in Windwalker you're guided by Moebius, Greg Malone's alter ego. Malone would later work on Ultima VI and direct Duke Nukem 3D.
最后,有一个聪明的保存和永久死亡系统:守卫只会在您失败之后抓住你,而不会杀死你。而且你可以在任何地方保存。但如果你死了,游戏会自动保存——死超过 10 次,游戏就结束了。
Finally, there's a clever save and permadeath system: guards will only capture you if you lose, not kill you. And you can save anywhere. But if do you die, the game autosaves – die 10 times and it's game over.
In the end, Windwalker is one of those games that I really wanted to like – it looks so original and creative! Sadly, what looks like its greatest strength – the combat only drags it down instead. And the rest of the game simply isn't good enough to make up for that.

The turn-based martial arts combat feels great at first, but the frequent battles and lack of enemy variety quickly turns it into a chore.

You'll only battle human opponents. Other creatures serve as obstacles that you must avoid, usually by using magic or special items.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明