你的女朋友和你最好的朋友一起消失了?你觉得你的生活好像陷入无底深渊?我肯定地说,我相信我们很多人都经历过那种类似的时刻,理查德・西伯恩(Richard Seaborne)的《逃离地狱(Escape from Hell)》抓住了这些瞬间,将他们变成了 RPG 游戏中的有趣背景——但丁的《地狱》与比尔和泰德的精彩冒险(Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)之间的交叉点。
游戏中你扮演理查德(Richard),由于一个强大的魔咒,也可能是由于你那无法解释的罪过,你发现自己到了地狱之中,你最好的朋友,还有你女朋友就在附近,所以你需要找到他们——然后逃离这里。不要忘了向撒旦实施复仇,因为他对你玩了这样的把戏。不过,你必须先向撒旦报复,因为他对你耍了这样的把戏。这意味着是时候拿起一支反坦克步枪,与斯大林和哈姆雷特合作,向撒旦倾泻你的怒火,这才是一个 RPG 主角!
事实上将著名文学作品与地狱的废土景观结合起来就是本游戏的目的了。鉴于本游戏的难度相当低,游戏的主要挑战只在于谁加入或离开理查德身边。直接来说,《逃离地狱》是《废土(Wasteland)》的简单版本:俯瞰视角,回合制 RPG,状态,技能(主要是战斗时,有时候没有),还有以敌人的动画肖像为特色的第一人称战斗。
像许多较早的 CRPG 一样,《逃离地狱》的基调有时会变得十分古怪(还记得《魔法门》里的话唠农民和《废土》里的兔子大师吗?),它自始至终都保持着口无遮拦的状态,而且从不关心设定的一致性。如果你觉得这很有趣,那么你将享受这款游戏的幽默设计与巧妙描写,以及它对地狱的官僚主义和权力至上等主题的描述方式。这可以说是一种脱轨的创造力,在当下后 Kickstarter 怀旧和 AAA RPG 危机的时代,这种类型似乎尤为缺乏。
Your girlfriend has disappeared, along with your best friend? Your life has gone to Hell? A lot of us have been there, I am sure, but Richard Seaborne's Escape from Hell takes those moments literally, turning them into a unique RPG premise – a cross between Dante's Inferno and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.
You are Richard, and due to a powerful magic incantation, or perhaps for your unexplained sins, you suddenly find yourself alive in Hell. Your girlfriend and your best friend are somewhere around, too, so you need to find them – and escape. Not without taking revenge on Satan for playing such a trick on you first, though. Which means it is time to grab an antitank rifle, team up with Stalin and Hamlet, and show Satan what you are made of, the way RPG heroes do!
Exploring Hell's wasted landscape and banding together with (in)famous historical and literary individuals is, in fact, what Escape from Hell is all about. Indeed, seeing as the game's difficulty is fairly low, the main challenge lies precisely in deciding who will join or leave Richard's side. Mechanically, Escape from Hell is a simpler version of Wasteland: a top-down, turnbased RPG, with stats, skills (mostly combat-oriented, but sometimes not), and first-person fights featuring animated enemy portraits.
Like many older CRPGs, Escape from Hell's tone can get really wacky. (Remember Might and Magic's roasted peasants or Wasteland's bunny master?) It stays tongue-in-cheek throughout and never gives a damn about setting consistency. If that sounds fun to you, then you will enjoy the game's humorous design and often clever writing, and the way it thematises Hell's bureaucracy and dynamics of power, among other things. It's the kind of off-the-rails creativity that, in these days of post-Kickstarter nostalgia and the AAA RPG crisis, the genre seems to sorely lack.
你可以在 RPG Codex 上阅读有关游戏开发者的大量采访内容。
You can read an extensive interview with the game's developer at the RPG Codex.
遗憾的是,由于 EA(美国艺电公司)广为人知的鬼把戏,游戏被缩小了规模,匆匆推出。多结局、另外六个地狱、许多单独的任务链、还有一个校准系统都被阉割,这导致了《逃离地狱》的结构十分松散且没有达到一款神作的标准。但是即使处于未完成状态的《逃离地狱》,也是一款独一无二的 RPG 游戏,通关之后,它一定会深深留存在你的记忆中。
Sadly, due to EA's all-too-familiar shenanigans, the game was downscaled and rushed out. Alternative endings, six further circles of Hell, a lot of individual quest chains, and an alignment system, all had to be cut. That often leads to loose ends, and ultimately prevents it from reaching true RPG greatness. And yet, even in the state that it shipped in, Escape from Hell remains an unorthodox and one-of-a-kind RPG, bound to remain in your memory long after you have beaten it.

One of the game's unique mechanics involves using golden tridents to alter the environment or even travel in time. This helps compensate for the game's small world and present new challenges.

由于设定在地狱,游戏提供了不同寻常的可招募的 NPC,如但丁、斯大林、成吉思汗、哈姆雷特、斯巴达克斯、朱丽叶和莫扎特,以及其他真实和虚构的人物。
Being set in Hell, the game offers an unusual variety of recruitable NPCs, such as Dante, Stalin, Genghis Khan, Hamlet, Spartacus, Juliet and Mozart, among other real and fictional characters.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明