2012 年 Steam 发布了 379 款新游戏,而到了 2019 年,新发售游戏数目增加到 8033 款。这个游戏商店放弃了尝试对游戏宣传进行任何策划,因为他们认识到他们无法预测那款游戏会更受欢迎。因此,Steam 提供了更好的搜索工具。虽然这导致了更加激烈的竞争,但开发者也有了新的选择,因为 Itch.io 和 Epic 商店成为了 Steam 的替代品。
Kickstarter 的热度已经放缓,但众筹仍是一个受欢迎的工具,向 Patreon 这样的网站允许粉丝直接自助各种项目:从《我的世界(Minecraft)》材质包到像《夏日传说(Summertime Saga)》这样的成人游戏。大型的主流游戏仍然存在,但是每一个兴趣领域都有为其制作的游戏。从叙事导向的“步行模拟器”(walking sims)[1] 到以九十年代 FPS 作为灵感的“复古射击”(boomer-shooters)[2] 和硬核且老派的 RPG。
技术的进步使得这些游戏让人能够接受,而且发烧友们现在的目标是 4K 画质和光线追踪。新的集成显卡也意味着即使是一个廉价的,甚至没有内置独立显卡的笔记本也可以流畅运行诸如《英雄联盟(League of Legends)》,《刀塔 2(DOTA 2)》,《反恐精英:全球攻势(Counter-Strike: GO)》和《侠盗猎车手 5(GTA V)》这样的游戏。
尽管如此,没有什么能像手机游戏一样成功。像《部落冲突(Clash of Clans)》和《糖果传奇(Candy Crush Saga)》这样的的爆火游戏不断涌现,并且新出的游戏更具多样化的体验。从《堡垒之夜(Fortnite)》,《天堂 M(Lineage M)》,《狂野飙车(Asphalt)》,《精灵宝可梦 GO(Pokémon GO)》这样的大厂游戏到《我们之中(Among Us)》和《纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)》这样的独立游戏,手机游戏摧毁了“妈妈们的休闲游戏”的固有印象,并吸引了更多且更年轻的玩家。
手机游戏大多是免费游戏,任何有智能手机的人都可以玩。手机游戏也在“全球南方”(global south)[3] 找到的新的受众,在拉丁美洲、非洲、印度和东南亚有着数百万的玩家。在历史上易被忽视的地区和国家建立玩家社区。这就是为什么像《我要活下去(Free Fire)》能够达到 1.5 亿每日玩家数量。
与此同时,游戏机市场面临着一个认同危机(identity crisis):像运动传感器这样的新想法未能产生任何影响,数字版游戏的销售也停滞不前。因此,PS4 Pro 和 Xbox One X 发布了一个“半世代”(half-gen),目标是哪些想要 4K 画面和更流畅帧率的发烧友们。即使是有史以来最长的一个世代,他们仍然远远没有达到 PS2 在 2000 年的销售数字,并且也未能成功进入印度和中国等新兴市场。这代表游戏机正逐渐成为游戏产业中的小众产品,并且着驱使着他们寻求其他可以替代的模式如订阅制。
这一趋势将继续下去——在 2021 年,移动游戏的收入达到 930 亿美元,比 PC 和游戏机两个市场的总和还要大。随着跨平台游戏,如《堡垒之夜》,《我们之中》和《原神(Genshin Impact)》的出现,现在手机,PC 和游戏机平台可以提供相同的游戏体验。这将会改变我们对于游戏平台的思考方式。
The small screens
become the big earners
Never before so many games were made, and never before so many people played them – including those who never had access until now.
Steam went from 379 new games released in 2012 to 8,033 in 2019. The store abandoned any curation attempts, recognizing that they couldn't predict which games would be popular and offering better search tools instead. While competition was tighter, developers also had new options, with Itch.io and Epic Games Store providing alternatives to Steam.
The Kickstarter fever had slowed down but crowd-funding was still a popular tool, and websites like Patreon allowed fans to directly fund all sorts of projects, from Minecraft shaders to adult-only games like Summertime Saga. Big mainstream hits still existed, but now every niche also had games made for them, from narrative-oriented “walking sims” to 90s-inspired “boomer-shooters” and hardcore old-school RPGs.
Technology had also made them more accessible – while enthusiasts now aimed for 4K graphics and ray-tracing, the new integrated graphics chips meant that even a cheap laptop with no GPU could run popular games like League of Legends, DOTA 2, Counter-Strike:GO and GTA V.
Still, nothing was as successful as mobile games. Big hits like Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga were joined by new games with more diverse types of experiences – from Fortnite, Lineage M, Asphalt and Pokémon GO to indie hits like Among Us and Monument Valley – destroying the image of “casual games for moms” and captivating a new, younger audience.
Mostly free-to-play and accessible to anyone with a smartphone, mobiles games also found a new audience in the global south, reaching millions of players in Latin America, Africa, India and Southeast Asia. This is how games like Garena's Free Fire reach numbers like 150 million daily players – building communities in historically-ignored regions.
Meanwhile, the console market faced an identity crisis – new ideas like motion sensors failed to make an impact and sales numbers stagnated, so a “half-gen” was released with the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X, targeting enthusiasts who wanted 4K graphics and smoother framerates. Even with the longest generation ever they were still far from the numbers the PS2 had in the 2000s and failed to reach emerging markets like India and China, signalling that consoles were becoming a niche in gaming and pushing them to seek alternative models like subscription services.
The trend would continue – in 2021 mobile gaming had a 93 billion USD revenue, bigger than the PC and console markets combined. With cross-platform titles as distinct as Fortnite, Among Us and Genshin Impact now delivering the same experience across mobile, PC and consoles, the very way in which we think about game platforms might change.
1 译者注:步行模拟器(walking sims)是一种游戏类型,一般这种游戏没有很多动作,通常带有神秘或恐怖元素,主要玩法就是玩家在其中走动。《死亡搁浅》(Death Stranding)是这一类型游戏中为数不多的 3A 游戏。
2 译者注:复古射击(boomer-shooters)是一种游戏类型,它适用于有意回归九十年代经典的 FPS 游戏,如《毁灭战士》(Doom)。这种游戏类型在 2010 年代后期开始流行。
3 译者注:“全球南方”(global south)指的主要是第三世界国家,这里的南方与“南南合作”和“南北对话”中的南是一个意思。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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